
Vel�nk rekl�mja, inform�ci�ja az interneten is eljut potenci�lis v�s�rl�ihoz, partnereihez!
With our aid, your advertisement or information reaches the potential clients of yours.
Durch unseren Abgaben komt ihre werbung und information auch durch den Internet zu ihren potentiellen partners und Kunden!


Keres - k�n�l
Keresked�k egym�s k�zt, virtu�lis piacter�nk�n. Ingyenes!
Offers - demands
Traders among themselves on our virtual market place. Free of charge!
Nachfrage - Angebot
H�ndler untereinander, auf unserem virtuellen Marktplatz. Gratis!


Gal�ri�nkban szerz�d�tt partnereink c�ges adatai, hirdet�sei, aktu�lis aj�nlatai jelennek meg.
Our gallery presents the company particulars, advertisements and current offers of our contracted partners.
In unserer Galerie erscheinen die Firmendaten, die Anzeigen und die aktuellen Angebote unserer Vertragspartner.


Folyamatosan b�v�l� adatb�zisunkban l�togat�ink kereshetnek c�gn�v, telep�l�s, �s tev�kenys�gi k�r szerint.
Visitors may be browsing our constantly increasing data base for company names, location or the range of activities.
In unserer, sich st�ndig erweiternden Datenbasis k�nnen unsere Besucher nach Firmennamen, Siedlung und T�tigkeitskreis suchen.


On-line �ruh�zunk egyed�l�ll� �zleti konstrukci�ban m�k�dik. Magazinjainkban hirdet� partnereink a meg�llap�tott hirdet�si �sszeg egy r�sz�nek fej�ben �rubont aj�nlhatnak fel, amelyet mi virtu�lis �ruh�zunkban adunk el a v�s�rl�knak.
Our on-line department store operates in an exclusive business structure. Our partners advertising in our magazines may offer good bills in return of a part of the stipulated advertisement fee, which we will sell to our buyers in the virtual department store.
Unser on- line- Warenhaus funktioniert in unvergleichbarer Gesch�ftskonstruktion. Unsere Partner, die in unseren Magazinen annoncieren, k�nnen f�r ein Teil der festgelegten Annoncengeb�hr Warenbons anbieten, die in unsrem virtuellen Warenhaus von uns an unsere Kunden verkauft werden.


Nyerj ma! oldalunkon (www.nyerjma.hu) nyerem�nyj�t�kokat szervez�nk. A j�t�kban mindennap van nyerem�nysorsol�s, ezzel biztos�tjuk oldalaink l�togatotts�g�t �s egyben �zleti partnereink hat�kony rekl�mj�t.
Nyerj ma! (Win Today!) On this site (www.nyerjma.hu) we organise win games. The game includes a lottery draw every day, by which we ensure the attendance of our sites - in one, also the effective advertisement of our business partners.
Nyerj ma! (Gewinne Heute!) Auf unserer Seite (www.nyerjma.hu) wird von uns ein Gewinnspiel organisiert. In diesem Spiel werden jeden Tag Gewinne gelost, dadurch sichern wir den Besuch unserer Seiten - und zugleich auch die effektive Werbung unsrer Partner.

H�rlevel�nkkel az �n inform�ci�i is eljuthatnak e-maillel rendelkez� �zletfeleinkhez!


V�llaljuk partnereink weblapjainak megtervez�s�t, elk�sz�t�s�t, elhelyez�s�t webszerver�nk�n.
We undertake to design, create the websites of our partners and place them on our web server.
Wir �bernehmen das Entwerfen, die Herstellung und die Unterbringung - auf unserem Web-Server- der Web-Seiten unserer Partner.

Tang� M�dia Kft
H-1025 Budapest, Sz�pv�lgyi �t 92/G.
Tel./fax: 302-7696
E-mail: [email protected] |
"Trade will find itself at home here!"
Free professional magazine of Wholesales and Distributors
Year of foundation: 1994
Supermarket is the advertisement trade magazine of the market of food and non-food products. As a free professional magazine, its prime objective is to facilitate professional information for the trade, wholesales units, producers, importers and representatives as well as providing relevant information for retailers and other business partners involved.
Why it is worth advertising in Supermarket magazine:
· The first individually established medium in the segment involved
· An effective media-tool of the trade
· Updated, well-informed, analytic
· Well-organised, clear, is of high-standard
· Up-to-date news provider of the developments of the internal market
· Marketing aspect
· Professional Portrait
· In the best interest of consumers
· Question of aspect
· Agents' Lobby
· New Developments
· News
· Fun in the marketplace
Target Group
· Food and non-food retailers and wholesales, service providers, financial businesses and trade mark representatives
· Finished products producers and distributors of the same
· Product Responsible managers of domestic multinational supermarket chains and hypermarkets
Distribution data by the business groups:
· General food 42,4%
· Groceries 16,5%
· Supermarket chains and hypermarkets 6,8%
· Drug stores 5,5%
· Office stationery 5,2%
· Tobacco-shop 4,4%
· Bakery 4,2%
· Green-grocery 3,2%
· Butcher 2,8%
· Non-stop, discount 2,4%
· Beverages 2,5%
· Bioshops 1,9%
· Groceries 1,4%
· Department stores 0,5%
· Confectionery-gifts 0,3%
In Budapest, the issues are delivered through the own distribution network in a controlled method with registered delivery-hand over. In the country, the magazine is delivered by post.
Distribution data:
Breakdown of the fields of distribution: |
Budapest |
65% |
Country |
35% |
(details) |
18% Trans-Danubian |
12% Duna-Tisza Midlands |
5% Over-Tisza Region |
Distribution from the aspect of the number of shops, in the breakdown of different profiles: |
Food type |
62% |
Mixed type |
32% |
Chemists and others |
6% |
Shop statistics
A Distribution of the sizes of general stores reached through supermarkets: |
Below 50 m2: |
33% |
Between 50-400 m2: |
59% |
Over 400 m2: |
8% |
Advertisement parameters and fees
1 / 1 | 330 000 HUF | mirror 184x252 mm cut 220x297 mm outrunning 230x307 mm |
1 / 2 v | 230 000 HUF | 87x252 mm |
1 / 2 h | 230 000 HUF | 184x121 mm |
1 / 4 v | 110 000 HUF | 87x121 mm |
1 / 4 h | 110 000 HUF | 184x56 mm |
1 / 6 v | 70 000 HUF | 54,5x121 mm |
1 / 6 h | 70 000 HUF | 119x56 mm |
cover 1 | 600 000 HUF |
cover 4 | 420 000 Ft |
cover 2 | 380 000 HUF |
cover 3 | 320 000 Ft |
Opening wing | 700 000 HUF |
New Developments head (placement of 1 product) | 45 000 HUF |
Frequency rebates |
3 issues | 10 % |
4 issues | 15 % |
5 issues | 20 % |
The above prices include the amount due for a single issue without VAT. In case of stop-press cancelling an advertisement, 50% penalty will be charged!
Other advertisement, representation possibilities
· Inserting handbill on a requested page 18 HUF/copy (min. 5000 copies)
· Inserting handbill on a requested page 25 HUF/copy
· Product-samples and printed products stuck 30 HUF/copy
· Inserting catalogue 35 HUF/copy (up to 200 g)
Technical parameters
Issues: 6 times a year
Number of copies: 15 000
Paper: Internal 80 g0os fm, cover 170 g fm
Press: offset
CTP technology, struts of 60
K�panyag: Pictures: on digital data carriers (CD, DVD, floppy) or e-mail, TIFF, JPG, EPS or PDF format, text: also hand-written
2006' issues:
February, April, June, September, November
user: vendeg
password: akereskedo
Offer for our special partners
· free appearance in the company searcher of our website
· free advertisement possibility on the website of the Hungarian National Traders' Club
· 25 000 HUF value banner appearance
· We make the current advertisement appear in the Gallery Head
· We report on the company events of our constant partners in the Timely Head as well as provide PR surface
· Possibility to comment in the expert article studying the relevant field of profession
L�togat�sok a Tang� M�dia weboldalain: |
6828754 |
2001.08.01-t�l 2008.04.03-ig. |
tov�bbi r�szletek> |


A Tuning weblapja

A Szépség Magazin weblapja
Médiaajánlat (pdf)
Szépség Fórum
