Minden, ami kereskedelem Nagykereskedők és forgalmazók üzleti portálja


Összetett keresés
2008. szeptember 22.
2008. szeptember 22.
On-line ajánlatunk

Vel�nk rekl�mja, inform�ci�ja az interneten is eljut potenci�lis v�s�rl�ihoz, partnereihez!

Magyar Kereskedő Klub

Keres - k�n�l
Keresked�k egym�s k�zt, virtu�lis piacter�nk�n. Ingyenes!


Gal�ri�nkban szerz�d�tt partnereink c�ges adatai, hirdet�sei, aktu�lis aj�nlatai jelennek meg.


Folyamatosan b�v�l� adatb�zisunkban l�togat�ink kereshetnek c�gn�v, telep�l�s, �s tev�kenys�gi k�r szerint.


On-line �ruh�zunk egyed�l�ll� �zleti konstrukci�ban m�k�dik. Magazinjainkban hirdet� partnereink a meg�llap�tott hirdet�si �sszeg egy r�sz�nek fej�ben �rubont aj�nlhatnak fel, amelyet mi virtu�lis �ruh�zunkban adunk el a v�s�rl�knak.


Nyerj ma! oldalunkon (www.nyerjma.hu) nyeremďż˝nyjďż˝tďż˝kokat szervezďż˝nk. A jďż˝tďż˝kban mindennap van nyeremďż˝nysorsolďż˝s, ezzel biztosďż˝tjuk oldalaink lďż˝togatottsďż˝gďż˝t – ďż˝s egyben ďż˝zleti partnereink hatďż˝kony reklďż˝mjďż˝t.

Qkac Magazin

H�rlevel�nkkel az �n inform�ci�i is eljuthatnak e-maillel rendelkez� �zletfeleinkhez!


V�llaljuk partnereink weblapjainak megtervez�s�t, elk�sz�t�s�t, elhelyez�s�t webszerver�nk�n.



Hungarian Traders' Club


The Hungarian Traders' Club functions as a real market place but on the Internet. Partners visiting the site may instantly place their business offers, gain general information on the relevant products and prices of other visitors. If someone finds an appropriate offer, the business may be concluded within minutes, following the exchange of addresses or telephone numbers. As it seems, the Hungarian Traders' Club is really one of the most effective tools of monitoring and generating market movements.

While visitors have the chance to comment or contribute to a general internet site through different topics, the comments from the visitors here are categorised by the different fields of activities concerned. Therefore our visitors should only focus on browsing the very advertisements and selected pieces of information within their own ranges of interest. At the same time however, those browsing will have the opportunity to launch any, more general additional topics not belonging to the group that would still fit the profile of Hungarian Traders' Club - for example handling quality claims, changes touching upon the general regulations of trade or the field of transportation of goods.

It shall be available to join Hungarian Traders' Club at any part of the day moreover it is worth visiting the club even more times a day during some intensive business periods.

Earlier comments and advertisements shall be available to trace back on for several months past.

Within a short time, Hungarian Traders' Club is going to be available for registered users only: those partners who have bound some surface in any of the magazines of Tang� M�dia Kft. (Ltd.) magazines group (the magazines concerned are A Kereskedo - The Trader, Szupermarket - Supermarket, Sz�ps�g Magazin - Beauty-Magazine, Style Magazin, Tuning&Stereo;) or contract for another service provided by the publisher (website design-creation, print shop works etc.). Our advertising partner will be able to visit the traders' club during the month, in which his/her own advertisement is published in our magazine. In this way, our advertisers are gaining both off-line and on-line appearance at one fare moreover, the amount of the latter one shall not even be limited i.e. our partner may place as many business offers in the club as he/she wishes during the subject month - at the same time gathering up-to-date information of the changes in the market.

L�togat�sok a Tang� M�dia weboldalain:
tov�bbi r�szletek>

A Kereskedő magazin



A Tuning weblapja

Szépség Magazin

A Szépség Magazin weblapja
Médiaajánlat (pdf)
Szépség Fórum

Szupermarket Magazin



  On-line ajďż˝nlatunk   Magyar Kereskedďż˝ Klub   Galďż˝ria   Cďż˝gkeresďż˝   Webďż˝sďż˝rlďż˝kďż˝zpont   Nyeremďż˝nyjďż˝tďż˝kok  Weblapkďż˝szďż˝tďż˝s  

 A Kereskedďż˝ magazin   Szďż˝psďż˝g Magazin   Szupermarket Magazin   Tuning&Stereo   

  Tangďż˝ Mďż˝dia   Tangďż˝ Design Studio   A Kereskedďż˝ Alapďż˝tvďż˝ny   Tuning&Stereo Show   Tuning&Stereo Shop  
Minden jog fenntartva © Tangďż˝ Mďż˝dia Kft.  |  Impresszum  |  e-mail: [email protected]