Trade Magazine / Everything what is trade
Editorial: Tango m�dia Kft. Budapest, II. ker�let, H�v�sv�lgyi �t 14. fszt. 1. |
Tel/Fax: +36 1 302 76 96 |
Managing Director: B�nyi Andr�s | |
[email protected]
Trade Magazine - free professional magazine for wholesale dealers and retailers
The establishment of the magazine: 1992
Frequency of publication: 11 times a year / every month except August
Targets: The professional inform of dealers from light industry, wholesale dealers, manufacturers, importers and agencies. Our goal is to change information between dealers and resellers and other business partners interior and exterior, in the EU and through the internet worldwide.
it has been the first and stand alone magazine in this topic
it is the most effective tool for trade sector
it is topical, analytic and knowledgeable
it has a good systematization, it is perspicuous and it is high standard
Target groups
wholesalers and retailers, monetary contractors, clothing market representatives
stock and manufactured product enterprises (manufacturers and dealers), multinational companies internal product executives
Professional groups
dry goods, sport wear, foot-wear, kid's fashion, adult fashion, underwear, stockings, scent, souvenir, shoe, leather, textile, jewellery, toy, gift, accessories, shop-equipments, travel and financial services, car.
Age distribution
(between 18 and 69)
18-29 17 %
30-39 20 %
40-49 25 %
50-59 32 %
60-69 6 %
distributed by social status: AB 64% - C 21% - D 15%
Cognizant of the magazine: 450 000 people
Appriciated readers: 280 000 people
To Budapest with own spreading network (in return for certificate of receipt), to the countryside and abroad with free postal service
Budapest: 45 %
countryside 54 % (Transdanubium 21%, between Danube and Tisza 19 %, over Tisza 4 %)
in the EU 1%
Parameters and fees:
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